In an ecosystem that now lives on exogenous shocks (think of the consequences generated by Covid) the Company is called to win the most current challenge: to convert the available skills, integrating the softer and relational skills with the digital and application ones, in a path that is as unifying as complex.

The academy can help the entrepreneur not only to spread knowledge at global level, but also to align his collaborators on professionalism, values, languages and common behaviours.


To rely on Zeta Consulting and its Academy means embarking on a path aimed to:

  • disseminate know-how, culture and business experience
  • promote the up-skilling or the re-skilling of human capital
  • promote employees engagement towards Company reference models
  • share the benefits in terms of effectiveness and efficiency deriving from learn-by-doing and its technicalities

It is a scalable product, that Zeta Consulting offers not only to train the various Company levels on values, mission, strategic orientation, and best practice. The Academy will be a continuous place of dialogue and discussion with talents, of openness and careful measurement with new initiatives and experiences, of celebration of successes... but it will also be an assumption of responsibility by the company, which undertakes the obligation to integrate the themes in its business model of social participation so dear to its stakeholders.


We start from a feasibility study through which we identify together the training needs, the recipients, the most appropriate teaching methodologies, the topics to be explored further and, last but not least, the socialization moments (team building and social dinners). Afterwards, we move on to joint planning activities, responsibilities, infrastructures, and delivery model.

Zeta Consulting's support can concern both planning and ex post management phases:

  • definition of learning objectives
  • research of specific methodologies and support materials functional to the achievement of training objectives
  • organization of the course, training modules and social events
  • operational management and monitoring of all activities
  • verification of the correct implementation of the training programs
  • support in managing the training budget by monitoring cost trends
  • management of any critical issues emerged and of feedback, as well as proposal of improvement actions

Contact one of our experts

Emanuela Antonucci

Resp. Area Academy di Impresa

Telefono: +39 347 4629149


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