With the aim of optimizing and redesigning company processes, in the course of its experience Zeta Consulting has defined its own methodology, the ZPS™: an integrated production management system, thought in the same reality in which it is adopted (the Italian factory), for decision-making and operational efficiency.

Adopting our methodology implies embracing a holistic-plantoidal vision of the company reality, capable of unifying the various internal phenomena through the continuous, timely and accurate sharing of company objectives towards the achievement of common results.


The methodology is supported by a series of modular tools collected in a business intelligence system designed for the optimization of corporate governance in its complexity.

The tools, developed in house, are able to integrate perfectly with existing information systems and embrace the various areas defined by the ZPS™, ranging from the industrial to the economic-financial area


The ZPS™ methodology boasts easiness, timeliness, and flexibility of application. In fact, the system is designed to be adopted both at the beginning of the Company activity as in later moments, and again both in its entirety or gradually. In any case, and where possible, it is advisable to begin from a critical area, chosen according to an order of criticality, which will be attacked on all issues, using a small and well-defined internal team, composed of the most competent resources on a certain topic without using (or making limited use of) external resources. When the critical area shows the results achieved, it becomes a "model area", and it is possible to move on with the identification of a second critical area, and then of a third, until fully understanding all the activities of a specific production process in its complexity.

Contact one of our experts

Andrea Chin

Senior Consultant

Phone: +39 348 007 3363


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