Global competition and strong technological innovation have created a changing, competitive and complex context, in which Companies must be able to innovate and evolve having a direction that guides them on their business journey.


Strategic consultancy focuses on the definition of the business strategy that involves our experts in the field of business management and strategic planning to help client to develop, articulate and carry out a clear and effective strategy. This kind of activity wants to provide a strategic guide to ensure that the Company has a clear direction, aligned with long-term goals and able to deal with market challenges.


We support Italian industrial PMIs in the leading analysis process, which includes the planning of organizational governance and the analysis of distinctive skills, and strategic development, aimed at the definition and the operational implementation of the industrial plan, through the use of simple methodologies, adopting a language consistent with the company culture.


Strategic consultancy is divided into the following phases:

  • 1

    Analysis of the environment

    Our consultants analyze the external and internal Company environment to understand the dynamics of the sector, the market trend, internal resources and any strong points and weaknesses

  • 2

    Goal setting

    We work with Business management to establish clear and measurable goals that guide the development of the Company strategy

  • 3

    Vision development

    We help defining a long-term vision for the Company, useful to guide for all strategic activities

  • 4

    Identification of opportunities and threats

    We analyze growth opportunities and risk elements, allowing the Company to adopt a strategy that benefits from the former and face the latter at the best

  • 5

    Strategic planning

    Together with Company management, we develop a detailed strategic plan that outlines the specific actions necessary to achieve Company objectives

  • 6


    We provide support in the practical implementation of the strategic plan, collaborating with internal staff to ensure that actions are carried out effectively

  • 7

    Monitoring and adaptation

    We put systems in place to monitor the effectiveness of the strategy and make adjustments, if necessary, to adapt to changes in the environment or market conditions

In brief, strategic business strategy consulting is aimed to guide Companies in the process of definingstrategic direction, ensuring that the strategy is solid, executable and capable to guide the organization towards long-term success.

Contact one of our experts

Francesco Tomaselli

CEO - Zeta Consulting Treviso Srl

Telefono: +39 3283047200


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