A generational change that is not correctly studied and planned can lead to problems up to the crisis of the Company so as the failure to distinguish between family relationships and Company roles


Generational transition means the process of transferring from one generation to another a real wealth of knowledge, relationships, know-how and skills and management philosophy, acquired over years of experience.

Planning and facilitating the generational transition have these objectives:

  • to guarantee business continuity while respecting corporate values
  • avoiding confusion of roles of director, shareholder, and manager
  • defining a system of shared rules
  • to regulate the entry and treatment of family members in the Company, placing merit before ties
  • optimizing financial management and profit distribution


The methodology of the consultancy intervention is developed in 6 main steps:

  • 1

    Identification of expectations

    Collection and formalization of expectations and indication of any constraints to take into consideration for the solutions to be proposed

  • 2

    Company Check Up

    Analysis of the family, ownership, governance, and organizational structure.

    Deep analysis of existing relationships in order to identify any critical factors.

  • 3

    Strategic objectives

    Definition and formalization of strategic corporate objectives. Possible definition and formalization of Vision and Mission

  • 4

    Mission Statement

    Path aimed to analyze the will and attitudes of the incoming generation, in line with the Company’s strategic objectives

  • 5

    Analysis of results

    Identification and planning of possible interventions in the corporate and organizational context

  • 6

    Support for necessary interventions

    Supporting the technicians identified by the company in the implementation of corporate and organizational interventions

Contact one of our experts

Riccardo Rota

Digital Business Integration Manager

Telefono: +39 3486158126


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